[VPN] Remote Access VPN Review in Network World

Joel M Snyder Joel.Snyder at Opus1.COM
Thu Oct 31 18:05:47 EST 2002

In your mailbox today should be this week's Network World (10/28) which has a
long and detailed review of Remote Access VPN (IPsec) products.  

Unfortunately, due to a copy editing error, the Pros/Cons summary as well as
the scorecard in the printed version are wrong.  Please pay the pretty
graphical parts of the printed version no mind...  They're wrong.

You can, however, read the ACCURATE Pros/Cons and Scorecard if you're
interested in the on-line version.  

The URL to start with is:

	(An overview of the whole review)

Or, you can jump right to:
	(the main body of the review)

	(my sage advice on how RA VPNs have changed the last year)

	(alternatives to IPsec, specifically SSL-based VPNs)

	(a chart showing per-user pricing for 100/1000/10000 users)

and so on.  There's also a chart which helps compare 115 different VPN products
based on information submitted by the vendor, a quick discussion on
multi-platform support in remote access VPNs, and a testing methodology showing
how we evaluated the products.

Well thought-out comments welcome...


Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719
Phone: +1 520 324 0494 x101 (v) +1 520 324 0495 (FAX)  
jms at Opus1.COM    http://www.opus1.com/jms    Opus One

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