[vpn] Cisco 3000/Checkpoint FW-1 renegotiation

Peter Walker peter at grole.org
Wed Mar 13 14:53:47 EST 2002


We are having problems with a VPN connection we have to one of our remote 
sites between a Cisco VPN 3000 concentrator (local) and a checkpoint FW-1 
(remote). The problem is that whenever there is an outage at the remote 
(checkpoint end) the IPSEC tunnel will not renogotiate until we manually 
reset/disconnect the VPN session at the concentrator end.  This is really 
causing a problem as the cisco end is here in the US and the checkpoint end 
is in Europe. So whenever there is a problem at the european end, our 
european site is basically offline until they can call one of us here in 
the US (at home, in the middle of the night) and have us reset the tunnel.

Does anyone have any experience of this problem and how to fix it?


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