host to host VPN but multiple networks

matthew patton mep at NETSEC.NET
Fri Apr 7 16:22:20 EDT 2000

Here's a quick diagram:

138.5/16 ----|  VPN   |                     |  VPN   |--- 192.168.31/24
138.72/16 ---| SITE A | === vpn channel === | SITE B |--- 172.43/16
172.11/16 ---|        |                     |        |

Now, without having to make 2C3 (ie 6) VPN pipes, I just want 1: between
VPN box A and B. I also therefore need to give box B routing entries like:

route add VPN-A's IP
route add VPN-A's IP

Will such a setup actually put the packets over the VPN ink?  I would
guess so. Has anyone tried this?

Network Security Technologies Inc. - Commercial support for OpenBSD       (703) 561-0420       matthew.patton at

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