No automatic reconnection after AP was down

Bojan Prtvar bojan.prtvar at
Wed Sep 17 04:24:44 EDT 2014


On 16/09/2014 20:56, Dan Williams wrote:
>  wlan0:    skip - no WPA/RSN proto match
>  wlan0: No suitable network found
> The AP that's been selected is not broadcasting any WPA or RSN
> information elements, so that AP is not WPA/RSN capable.  But since your
> configuration requires WPA or RSN, there is a mismatch and you cannot
> connect to the AP.
> This is probably an AP bug: it should not broadcasting beacons with the
> wrong information, before it has completely set itself up.  Here, it
> seems to be starting up and sending out a beacon without any encryption
> indication, and then later (well, a second or two or three) it probably
> changes the information elements to specify WPA or RSN.  If this AP is
> actually a hotspot that you've created yourself, then the driver/hostap
> should be fixed.
> wpa_supplicant does have some code to handle this, so if the AP does
> change it's beacon I would expect the supplicant to notice and
> eventually connect.  What does "iw wlan0 scan dump" show on your machine
> for marvell_5GHz when this problem happens?
Thanks for shedding some light. When the problem happens "iw wlan0 scan
dump" shows no output, when the box reconnects it gives nice&long report.
Could you please point me to the piece of code which handles situation
"when AP change it's bacon"? My wpa_supplicant is little dated, maybe I
only need to back port existing fix. Or there may be an open space for
further improvement.


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