wpa_supplicant fails and reports weird AP address in association

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Sun Dec 17 10:41:44 EST 2006

On Sat, 2006-12-16 at 20:31 -0800, Jouni Malinen wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 07:53:40AM -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
> > Is it really something with quotes?  First, try using the
> > 'wpa-passhprase' tool or copy the actual _hex_ key from your AP's
> > configuration screen, and paste it into your wpa_supplicant
> > configuration like so:
> > 
> > 	psk=11bbccddeeff223399...
> This may be quite confusing instruction to give.. I would expect most
> users of WPA-Personal to configure the key as an ASCII passphrase, not
> as 64 character hex string..
> > i.e., _don't_ use quotes, and use the hexadecimal key rather than using
> > quotes here.  If you use quotes, wpa_supplicant interprets the config
> > option as a string, which clearly isn't what you want here.  And I don't
> > believe that wpa_supplicant supports passphrase hashing for WPA
> > internally, that's what wpa-passphrase is for.
> Clearly, the configuration was indeed trying to use a string and I would
> expect that was the desired configuration in this case. Like Bryan
> already mentioned, wpa_supplicant does indeed support passphrase hashing
> for WPA PSK (and always has supported).
> There is only one use for wpa_passphrase and that is to minimize the
> startup time by removing the need to derive the key again every time.
> However, taken into account the speed of most modern CPUs, there is
> almost no cases where I would recommend wpa_passphrase to be used. It
> is just much easier to use the ASCII passphrase in the configuration.

I stand corrected...


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