my clients

Brian Sturgill zen_hacker at
Wed Dec 22 06:00:41 EST 2004

ls /proc/net/hostap/wlan0 if your hostap interface is wlan0. In that 
directory, there will be a file for each client you have connected named 
with the mac address of each client. Here is what my machine looks like:

[root at Hostap root]# ls  /proc/net/hostap/wlan0
00:02:6f:05:53:45  ap          ap_debug  bss_list  debug  scan_results  wds
00:06:25:45:77:c9  ap_control  aux_dump  crypt     pda    stats

>From: capacity77 at
>To: hostap at
>Subject: my clients
>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:29:47 +0100
>Hi list!
>I'm running hostap, how can i know the clients connected to my network?
>HostAP mailing list
>HostAP at

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