Prism / Hostap Bridge Problems...

Brande brande at
Fri Dec 10 09:47:05 EST 2004

Hi all,
 hello Jsun,
    tach Uwe,

I've read your howto about flashing prism chipsets (and all the other 
ones about bridging, wlan etc.pp. - thanks a lot to the writers)  and it 
was really helpful - but the problem I have is another one and I thought 
I can solve it with a firmware update but it still don't work. So maybe 
you can help me a little bit or better - have a solution for that problem.


I have a meshcube ( with two prim 2.5 mini-pci WLAN 
wlan0 should connect as client (managed mode) to a normal access point 
which is connected to the internet.
wlan1 should work as accesspoint (master mode).
I would like to bridge between wlan0 and wlan1 so that I can connect 
with my Laptop Client2 to the AccessPoint on wlan1 and go, through the 
wlan0 client connection to the normal AccessPoint, to the internet...

So here is the hardware setup:

Internet ----- AccessPoint ( -------- CLient/AP Bridge 
( (2 cards in one box))
                      Laptop Client 1                            my 
Laptop CLient 2

The data of the WLAN devices:

hostap_diag wlan0
Host AP driver diagnostics information for 'wlan0'

NICID: id=0x8013 v1.0.0 (PRISM II (2.5) Mini-PCI (SST parallel flash))
PRIID: id=0x0015 v1.1.1
STAID: id=0x001f v1.7.4 (station firmware)agnostics information for 'wlan0'

hostap_diag wlan1
Host AP driver diagnostics information for 'wlan1'

NICID: id=0x8013 v1.0.0 (PRISM II (2.5) Mini-PCI (SST parallel flash))
PRIID: id=0x0015 v1.1.1
STAID: id=0x001f v1.7.4 (station firmware)agnostics information for 'wlan0'

I have written the following bridge script:

BRIDGESTP=off           ### must be "on" with more then one bridge

### stop configure ###

echo -n "stopping firewall: "

   iptables -F
   iptables -F -t nat
   iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
   iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
   iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

   echo "*** network is insecure now *** "

echo "done."

case "$1" in

        echo "Starting service bridge br0"
        echo "Bridge IP will be: $BRIDGEIP"
                ifconfig $ETHER0 promisc up
                ifconfig $ETHER1 promisc up
                sleep 2
        brctl addbr $BRIDGE
        brctl setbridgeprio $BRIDGE 0
                ifconfig $ETHER0
                ifconfig $ETHER1
        brctl addif $BRIDGE $ETHER0
        brctl addif $BRIDGE $ETHER1
        #brctl stp $BRIDGE $BRIDGESTP
        #brctl sethello $BRIDGE 1
        #brctl setmaxage $BRIDGE 4
        #brctl setfd $BRIDGE 4
                echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward               
            # I know it's not really neccessary
                ifconfig $BRIDGE $BRIDGEIP netmask $BRIDGENM up   # but 
it was a test
                route add default gw $BRIDGEGW $BRIDGE
        echo -e "Bridge needs 30 sec. to learn table!\n(depends on 
kernel version...)\n"

If I start the script the bridge goes up and I can ping the bridge 
( from outside with the Laptop Client 1. I can also ping 
my Laptop Client2 from outside but from my Laptop Client2 I can not ping 
the gateway behind the bridge ( or the Laptop Client1 but I 
can ping the bridge interface from my Laptop Client2 which is connected 
to the WLAN1 AccessPoint in the bridge...

With tcpdump I can see that the there is an arp request from my Laptop 
Client2 on the bridge interface to see who has if I try to 
ping e.g. but I get no reply from the bridge. On my Laptop I 
get the message "Host unreachable".
Looks like that the AccessPoint or the Client in the bridge, the MAC 
address within the arp request from my Laptop Client1 to the one of the 
correspondig interfaces inside the bridge replaced and that that is the 
reason while I can't receive the answer to my arp request. Might this be 
possible? And if - do you know a solution to solve that problem? Or do 
you have another solution with the same effect but without wds please;)

Thanks for your time,
    have fun,

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